How to destroy seven cars in a row in Warzone 2 DMZ

The fractions missions give the player the goal of playing and honing the game mode DMZ Call of Duty: War zone. As you are moving around the levels of various fractions, these tasks become more complicated and more complicated. In this leadership, we will discuss how to fulfill the mission of the landfill for the Legion level 4 faction.

DMZ Guide at a landfill

The Junkyard mission instructs you to destroy seven cars four times in a row. As soon as you destroy the vehicle, the landfill timer will start, and you will need to destroy six other vehicles within six seconds so that the progress is registered. The best way to complete this task is to assemble seven cars in one place, and then blow them all with explosives.

When you appear in the DMZ match, first open your tactical card and analyze in which place the accumulation of vehicles is located. Go to this region and begin to deliver all vehicles to a certain place with your teammates. This test can also be performed alone, but the process will be tedious.


The vehicles that you collect can be of any type, whether trucks, cars, ATVs or helicopters. As soon as the seven vehicles are in place, you can destroy them using explosives such as C4, even RPGs were seeded. Bullets also work, but you will need many stores to destroy seven cars. The easiest way to destroy all the vehicles together is to use an accurate airline. This series of murders can be purchased at Buy Station for $12,000. You must repeat this process three more times to complete the Junkyard DMZ mission. Stay with us in the professional guide guides to learn more about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and War zone 2. In the meantime, go to our article where to find supplies with supplies in War zone 2 DMZ.
