Was the adventure world of Harvestella in the background of Kanagawa? Get adventure from real hunters!

We were worried about the secrets of life , which gain food in an unknown land and exchange with the people living there.

Isn't something missing?

Until now, we have learned what we need to live in the world of life simulation, Harvested , based on life, exchange and adventure as a pillar. The Minor Farm was preparing for the knowledge of agricultural work necessary for life and the Japan Communication Authorization Association with the knowledge of communication necessary for exchange, and was preparing to go to the Harvester world at any time.

However, now, on November 4, the release date of the Nintendo Switch version, a missing feeling of frustration will be attacked (the Steam version will be released on November 5, 2022). An important factor for Harvester, Yes, isn't he ready for adventure!

Even if you move to the countryside just because it's a telework, you can't easily go on an adventure trip. Even if you learn the secrets of life and exchange, you can't live in the world of Harvested where terrible monsters wander around...!

Then let's rely on the professional power this time. The professional power of JAPAN HUNTER GIRLS living in the world of hunter (hunter) in Kanagawa.

A hunter who has been encountering many times with wild beasts, a real world monster, will surely have useful knowledge in the adventure of Harvester!

Harvested official website

To Kanagawa in search of an adventure called hunting

── Thank you for your help. Despite the release date of Harvester, I don't know how to adventure in the world where monsters are wandering around! Help me! Before that, first, please introduce yourself by JAPAN HUNTER GIRLS.

Erik Tanaka (Tanaka): I'm Tanaka, who is represented by Japan HUNTER GIRLS. Hunting history is about 7 years. It has been seven years since I started to have a gun, but it has been about eight years in the sense of entering the mountain. In hunting, I am in charge of Seiko, called dog.... Dogs... It's the role of taking a hound together.

I started a company called Japan Hunter Girls about two years ago. The number of hunters is decreasing with the aging, and I thought that I could manage to excite with the power of women. Thank you for today.

RIE Kagoshima (Kagoshima): It is Kagoshima, who is a director and public relations. Hunting history is in the seventh year. At first, while I had no acquaintance, I was searching on the net that I wanted to be a hunter. In the first place, I liked collecting and eating. Wild grass collection and fishing. And I knew that I could be a hunter if I got a qualification.

It was good to take a gun and enter the hunting party, but it was not a place where the damage was so great in that area, so there was almost no opportunity to actually hunt. When I consulted about doing more practical things, there was a trend that various people could connect. So I think the actual hunting history will be about 4 years.

At first, I used an air gun to play birds. There are various styles, methods, and roles to say hunting, so I am still studying anyway.

There are many women who start with the purpose of catching and handling it and eating it themselves, but it is not possible to use everything every time, such as burying other than the necessary parts. The same is true for hunt as extermination, and it is also done for human reasons, so I wanted to use it as effective as possible.

Therefore, there is a flow that we have set up the JAPAN HUNTER GIRLS, considering that it is necessary to obtain meat and skin, and that incorporation is necessary to get out of it firmly. If women participate, they will be excited, so we are working on the philosophy of raising events such as experience tours and calling for people while calling in people.


Tanaka: Can you eat it if you defeat it?

Kagoshima: Do you eat! ? Doesn't it mean that you can get the material?...... If you look at this, agriculture seems to be a simple way.

──In various materials, you will go out and take it. The equipment will be enhanced using materials, not the system of buying.


Tanaka: Now, the wild boar here is the death season.

Kagoshima: It's a bit of a plague.

Tanaka: Wild animals spread the disease when weak individuals appear. It seems that since around the Do period, it will be affected by ourselves, and that it will continue to the next generation, focusing on surviving strong individuals. It's time now.

Kagoshima: I have to find the mystery of the wild boar's death season.

Tanaka: (laughs)

──What was the video?

Tanaka: It's frankly, the video is beautiful, and it's surprising that various parts are more detailed than the games you played in the past. I went to various places and saw that I was hunting in various places, and I want to defeat that big...

Kagoshima: After all, I'm going there (laughs).

Tanaka: How big was caught! ? (Laughs).

──Do you have such a desire?

Tanaka: That's right. If you are particular about hunting, you can talk about how the size of the individual is. I want to get such a size! ! That's right.

─ If you aim for a big one, do you aim from a distance first?

Tanaka: The wild boar is 5 meters or 10 meters. Basically, it will come here, so it will be a movement to stop it. In my role, Seiko is walking around while searching for prey, so I often approach the boar I found. So, there are times when wild boars come in.

Then, a person who plays a gun, called Satsuma (also called a spin), which Kagoshima is in charge, shoots with the aim of escaping and moving. Satsuma people need shooting skills.

Kagoshima: It's difficult to hit because the speed of a bicycle running in a hurry comes out.

Tanaka: The situation varies, so if you can climb the slope and escape, it will be easy to shoot.

Kagoshima: I have to think about the place where I stand in the game (laughs ).

Tanaka: Let's think about the direction of attack!

Kagoshima: Don't shoot the direction of your ally.

In the battle of Harvester, the enemy will also attack the direction and place in the form of a powerful assault. So, if you can secure a place well, you can aim not to be damaged by you and your allies.

Kagoshima: I used to play in Final Fantasy in the age of NEW... The times may be too different in comparison with that time, but I feel that it has evolved very much.

Considering the death season in our world, it seems to be a natural phenomenon that exists, so I don't usually think about disasters from the ground up. The people of Harvester, the world of Harvester, thought that there was some cause for the death season, and it seemed to be trying to challenge it, so I thought it was interesting as a story.

──Isn't the game so much recently?

Kagoshima: That's right... I feel like you can play slowly with Nintendo Switch.

Tanaka: The sons are Minecraft... I'm addicted to games that have a gun with a gun and do something like a war. I rarely do it, that's what it is.

Kagoshima: My mother is in the mountains during that time (laughs).

──Do you often eat the ingredients you have hunted at home?

Tanaka: Some ingredients that can't be put out to people will come out. It's meat that gets tattered at the end... If it is a part that is difficult to take out as a block, it is a curry and thrust into it. Try minced.

──When you take it home, do you use such ingredients?

Kagoshima: It's after so-called block meat. I feel like I will do fine trimming at home later.

Tanaka: You need to practice dismantling, so you may bring it home. Dawn in the apartment kitchen! And leave. When my child was still young, I lived in an apartment, so my mother cut the boar's head and put it on the veranda! ! Like (laughs).

Kagoshima: As expected, large individuals do not do that, but small animals such as birds are brought back and shed down (laughs ). You can do it outside, but the wings splatter, so I do it in the kitchen. It is easy to organize if you do it after wet with a spray.

Tanaka: Oh! I see……! ! I didn't do much because my feathers flew. Furthermore, I got a lot in my hand.

──In Harvested, there are monsters that drop meat on the spot...

Tanaka: Oh! You can eat! ! (smile).

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Tanaka: I came to think that I wouldn't leave it as much as possible. If you catch your own meat, you can eat any meat deliciously. Until then, even if you look at the meat you bought at the supermarket, you think you don't need it here because it's a bit greasy. It may be possible to eat because of the large amount of exercise now (laughs).

Kagoshima: I didn't have much change. Regardless of the livestock, no matter what, someone kills animals and treats them so that they can be eaten, so I can feel it by hunting. I feel that it is a valuable experience.

That's why I don't intend to deny or compare livestock or gibber. If both are as ingredients, I think they should be delicious and thankful.

──As apart from ingredients, how do you use skin?

Tanaka: The skin is issued to the trader.

Kagoshima: It looks like you're wholesaling to make leather products. Since it is a wild animal even though it is a material, it is still difficult to buy everything.

Tanaka: If the skin is overwhelmed by the sheikdom, you can give it to those who want to use them or want to use them.

Kagoshima: Difficulty use for products is used in the form of a craft experience as a craft experience in a hunting tour. It is a simple thing made with hand sewing and buttons.

Tanaka: Some people are trying to use wild boar leather. It seems that there are no vendors who handle it.

Kagoshima: It seems to be thinner than commonly used leather. The wild boar has a large pore, so it seems that he is exploring how to use it because it has good ventilation.

Tanaka: The rest is a matter of appearance... Ostrich's leather is now famous for that shape and has been accepted in products, but it is said that the wild boar is a bit uncomfortable (laughs). 。

─。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Even in games, monsters attack humans, but why do wild boars take such actions?

Tanaka: It depends on the situation. Basically, they try to escape, but they seem to have no escape (for boar). It seems that if you are in that distance, you will attack, otherwise you will run away.

Also, when you are aware of the distance, it seems that if the target (hunter) is heading to the wild boar, it will decide that you will escape if you leave. Unlike humans, that judgment is instantaneous. So we'll do it! ! I will come if it feels like that (laughs)

── Have you ever encountered an animal that attacks like a game?

Tanaka: Some animals have been trapped. It's desperate in that state, so if you try to stab a trapped animal, you'll try to attack even a deer. The range of activities is limited because it is trapped, but it will respond to fighting at that corner.

──Isn't there a bear? Speaking of games, it is a boss monster class, but...

Kagoshima: To the higher one...

── Oh, you're there...

Tanaka: I haven't lived, but it seems to be a passage.

Kagoshima: It was discovered and the car! ! I will be announcing as if to be careful, but at that time I am no longer there (laughs).

Tanaka: Large animals are bears, ante let, deer, and wild boars.

Kagoshima: Bears and antelope cannot be hunted, so if it is a large beast, will it be that much in Kanagawa? If it's small, it's a bird, a raccoon dog. Occasionally, Ten (Ten) is running. After that, it is not around here, but it is a fox.

If it is a large bird, there is a Maori. It is a bird on the mountain with a bird as it is, but it looks like a slightly larger appearance like a percentage of pheasant. If it's a field, it's not a pheasant, pheasant, duck... small birds. I guess it's about the bull... The rest is mukudori, sparrow...

──Are there any scenes that were dangerous in your activities so far?

Tanaka: I have been cut into a wild boar. The boar grows up to nearly 100 kg also has a large tusk. There were some dogs I had for hunting, and I went to the boar because my blood went up on my head.

The wild boar aims to cut the artery. I was going to jump and jump over, but I didn't seem to be able to jump at all (laughs.

If it becomes a half arrow (the fact that it does not become a deadly state even if you receive a bullet or arrow), the wild boar will be rather violent. Wild boars that come out in a residential area are after escaping from the trap, after escaping from tracking. That kind of wild boar causes an incident.

Kagoshima: Break state is a guy.

Tanaka: I guess I've been distressed several times. If you followed an antelope with a dog, you'll suddenly get hooked on a cliff-like cliff that is difficult to climb or go down. The rope unit came and got off safely. At that time, it was a job in the prefecture, so it was not about distress because several people knew it nearby.

── It was just something I didn't know. Is there any real hunting experience that is useful in games?

Tanaka: If you think of a game, is it a level up? Beginners can inevitably be caught unless they are a little weaker or the same animal. If you don't level up the game, you can't defeat the strong. Hunters can't get what they don't have if they don't acquire skills.

I'll definitely catch this big guy! ! Even if you think, you need the technique of seeing footprints and what kind of action you always do.

Kagoshima: It gradually gets better from the first equipment, and is this a game-like? After that, if you learn this mountain, you want to go to a different mountain this time, so to speak, you want to capture it.

Tanaka: Like the next city (laughs).

Kagoshima: For example, when the animals you meet in the mountains are thin or sick, you will also need insights such as what caused or changed. In that sense, Tanaka is currently working on a forest industry. It may lead to the part of Harvested exploring the cause of the death season.

Tanaka: It's not just catching as a huntsman. In order to be able to hunt for a long time, it is necessary to grow up in a good environment for wild animals.

It may be because you are a woman, but there are many situations where you try to make a knife sheath with the material you caught, make a handle, and use it.

── Last but not least, please tell us your future prospects as Japan HUNTER GIRLS.

Kagoshima: While continuing to nurture hunters, I would like to be able to use 100 % of the captured animals, and to be able to do total activities, including forestry, with a view to the conservation of mountains.

Tanaka: It's also an important theme for new huntsmen to grow up, but as a company, the business is enlarged so that hunting by-products will be useful for the revitalization of the Minami-Ashigara, and the number of people involved will increase. I want to go.

── Thank you for telling me various things!

Harvested official website

Actually experience an adventure (hunting) in the mountains!

We are guided by Mr. Tanaka and Kagoshima, and we head to the dungeon (mountain) of the southern Ashikaga. Prepare equipment such as weapons and go to the world of adventure!

...... However, it is not the time of hunting, so you cannot actually experience hunting. This time, we decided to go through the dungeon (mountain) while asking them how to pick them up.

Climb the beast trail and go in places where there is no grass. Then there is a gentle and slightly wider place, and the deer may be sleeping. At the time of hunting, Mr. Tanaka walks while approaching such a place with his dog as a Seiko, raising and chasing sleeping prey.

If the prey escapes, the assigned Satsuma will be informed by wirelessly, and if it shrinks, it will be important to decide on the distribution, such as leaving it to a dog.

This dungeon may have a herb called Kakidososhi, so I will walk while watching. Kakidososhi can be drunk as tea, and it is said that the season of flowers is the highest medicinal effect.

──Is it useful for a sword like Harvested even in actual adventure (hunting)?

Tanaka: I don't think it's useless. If you have such a replica, you can hit your head (prey) head as To dome.

──What do you usually use when hitting with actual hunting?

Tanaka: It's an iron pipe (laughs). When stinging, I aim for the artery firmly, and it can not be useful without this knife length. The knife is not a material like a Japanese sword but a stainless steel, so it is easy to care for, sturdy and easy to use. It doesn't rust, and I think this is better to use it roughly.

Thanks to Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Kagoshima, I was able to learn adventures, which was not enough for life and exchange al1. I will use what I learned this time in Harvester!

In the adventure of Harvested, let's identify the role and hunt appropriately! !

In Harvested, you will go through the field while switching the job. Let's decide the role and arrangement according to the appearing enemies, such as fighters and mage. If we learned teamwork as a hunter, there should be no problem! !

There is a cool time, but you can change the job as many times as you go in the field or in battle. The job has a skill board, and you can get skills by repeatedly searching and fighting. Not only enhancement of characters, but also players' knowledge of what weaknesses the encountered enemies have and what attacks they will do.

Field exploration and battle transition seamlessly. Sometimes it may be the right decision to get a distance and pass by. If you have stamina by your diet, you can use dashes and avoidance to disable enemy attacks well.

The boss is a strong enemy, but if you determine your weaknesses and do damage, you will have a break gauge and have a chance to hit. In addition, the powerful special technique of the boss can be interrupted if high damage is performed in a certain period of time. Considering the position of the ally, the strategy is required to determine the boss Attack timing, determine the skill, and minimize the damage.

If you make food in the field or field, you can expect a higher recovery effect than eating it as it is. What you got from the adventure can be used again for the next adventure. The recovery due to meals during battle is not possible immediately, so let's use it as a hunter! !

Going or retreating, adventure is always a decision

The field has a break point called Transfer Monolith. Here, it will save and function as a warp point if it is in the same field. In addition, it is possible to return home at once, although it is a one-way street.

Life in Harvested is also a game with time. If you continue your adventure until midnight, you will be tired and your ability will decrease, and you will fall on the spot. Whether you are going to find the next transfer monolith while you are on the entertaining terrain, you need to make a calm decision on an adventure, whether to go back and get back.

In the adventure, you can communicate different from your usual friends. The adventure is what you need for aspects that cannot be seen in your daily life or in your usual exchange. Let's make a special dish in case of emergency! !

Thus, we were given the secrets of life professionals, exchanges, and adventurous professionals. With this, you will always travel to the world of Harvested. I will engrave your teachings on your chest and enjoy the best fantasy life...! !

Harvested official website

<< Product information >>

  • Title: Harvested

  • Platform: Nintendo Switch/ PC (Steam)

  • Scheduled release date: November 4 (Steam version will be released on November 5)

  • Price: 7,680 yen (tax included)

  • Official site: HTTPS: //www.jp.square-enix.com/har Estella/

・ JAPAN HUNTER GIRLS official website: HTTPS: //www.jhg.or.jp/


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