Songbi survival ETERNAL EVIL with the official version of ETERNAL EVIL is a highly satisfying mystery solution, search, battle! It is also a good impression that you can adjust your own game balance [explosion Repo]

Nowadays, the latest games are released in large quantities every day. There are many GAMESpark readers who are lamenting, saying, I don't know what kind of game it is! Therefore, it is this project Explosive Play Report to deliver the content of the game as soon as possible.

This time, I would like to deliver the content of ETERNAL EVIL, which was developed by Honor Games and released a formal version for PCs on November 2, 2022.

What is Eternal Evil

Survival adventure set in a small town where zombies occurred suddenly. The player is a story drawn from the two protagonists HUNK and Marcus, and will solve the mystery of the cause of zombie apocalypse.

This work was developed as a solo project by personal creator VLADIMIR Robin. It is characterized by the old-fashioned survival horror experience that was influenced by the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series, so you can enjoy battle with zombies, monsters, and solve mysteries.

It was released on STEAM early access on June 9, 2022, and has been highly evaluated from the beginning. In the product version, the content has been expanded by adding two new modes and game elements, adjusting the game balance and revising the bugs reported during early access.

It is a work that has a high degree of perfection as a game, such as a chewy battle, a mystery solving, a difficulty setting that allows you to freely select the play style, and a story where the atmosphere of the character is good.

Approach the actual content of Eternal Evil!

This work has two stories, but at first you will play one of the main characters, HUNK. The story starts from a scene where HUNK calls for help by phone with MARCUS while zombies are overflowing throughout the town. HUNK heads to a hotel to find the cause of this riot.

The cut scene in the game is drawn in comic-style productions, so the text is relatively easy to read in English. HUNK is a detective, but it also supports the atmosphere of the story in that the character's character and personality are firmly described, such as a scene that helps residents who escape from zombies at the beginning.

The hotel we arrived at is an old-fashioned Western mansion, and there is no reception at the entrance. It's a substitute, but it's a zombie without saying... Here is a simple tutorial, such as how to combat and investigate objects.

If you repel the first zombie and check the entrance, you will find a file for save. From here on, it seems that the purpose is to freely explore the hotel and find out the owner of the hotel.

By the way, this work can be set at the start of the game, presence or absence of save items (limited number of saves), inventory size, Emphasis of items, Mode to enjoy shooting. You can enjoy various play styles freely.

The basics of the game are exploration, battle, and mystery!

The hotel, which is the stage of the HUNK edition, is very large, and many places are locked. First, find a door to explore the surroundings, and gradually increase the range of action while solving mysteries and collecting items. The map is a gentle system that records the door and the place where you are locked.

In various parts of the map, there are devices such as doors blocked by obstacles, items that cannot be obtained unless the puzzle is solved, and devices that are started by applying items corresponding to wall holes. There are many types of mystery solving, such as those that can be solved on the spot and those that collect items from various places.

I think that solving the mystery is so difficult that it is moderately chewy, and it is relatively easy to find hints. However, since this work does not support Japanese, it is necessary to read hints in English, but once read text is saved on the file screen, you can read it slowly.

If the puzzle cannot be solved, there are some skip items for relief measures. By the way, this function is a specification that cannot be skipped unless the necessary capture items are available.

Battle values resources!

Of course, you need to be careful as many zombies will aim for the hero in the game. The protagonist has a knife and handgun even in the initial state, so you can compete with the enemy, but of course you need to save as much as possible because pistols consume ammunition.

Since zombies move slowly, it is much easier to learn the unwilling knife. Many enemies have a headshot judgment, so it is important to aim at the head as much as possible during battle.

Also, as the story progresses, a boss battle will occur. The boss has high physical strength, so the consumption of ammunition becomes intense, and the battle area is narrow and can be damaged. It is important not only to save ammunition and recovery items in preparation for the boss battle, but also to preserve powerful weapons that can be obtained by proceeding with the game.

By the way, ammunition may be contained in an object that can be broken, such as a vase in the map. When I just played, I was out of ammunition, but after I noticed this, I was able to enjoy quite stable play. Zombies can be a knife, but if you are a small and small creature, you still want a gun.

proceeding with play and releasing new elements!

While playing a game, you may find a wad in various places. This money is used to unlock in-game content, and is a content introduced as a new element of the product version.

As for the new difficulty level Realistic and the WAVE-based shooting mode Survival, you can also obtain guns and weapon skins such as blocks and shotguns. In addition, helping items such as pistol infinite medicine can be unlocked as elements that help the game greatly.

In addition to regular search, the euro is hidden in places that are usually difficult to find. There is never a lot of money that can be obtained during normal play, so let's consider which one to unlock. The Survival mode can earn money in the score, so you may want to open it as soon as possible.

Then, by clearing the HUNK edition, another story MARCUS starts. The MARCUS edition is set in the outdoors and indoors, so you can enjoy a different play. It's a nice place to get a shotgun at an early stage, probably because of the relatively large combat.

Eternal Evil introduced so far. In search of dim houses and deep fog towns, the elements of the horror are firmly integrated, and you can enjoy it with carefully made search and mystery solving. I am a person who is easy to get lost, but the mystery solving conductor was very good, and I enjoyed the search without hesitation.

However, the map design and enemy AI are somewhat difficult, and the enemy may be clogged in the object, or on the contrary, it accelerates as an object. It is natural that the corpse is buried in the ground and trembles when loaded, and it is not unusual for a mysterious noise to generate another horror in some places.

It is interesting without complaint in terms of traditional survival horror experience that the developer was affected, and it is easy for anyone to play because many remedies are prepared. The player can customize not only the difficulty level but also the game rules, so it is a good impression that you can play in various styles according to your own arms.

ETERNAL EVIL is being distributed on Steam.

Title: Eternal Evil


Compatible models: PC (Steam)

Play model in the article: PC (Steam)

Release date: November 2, 2022 (official version release)

Author play time at the time of writing: 10 hours

Price: 2,050 yen


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