LOL - The Community criticizes Riot for changes to events: now they are even more difficult

Why League of Legends is SO TOXIC | League of Legends One of the most common conflicts between Riot Games and the community of League of Legends is related to events. Most players estimate that the developer establishes too high demands on play time to achieve the rewards obtained through the Premium pass. A situation that has become even worse because of the latest changes announced by the company that, although they have adjusted the requirements, do not solve the problem.

Riot maintains its high demands at LOL events

The simulation performed by a player revealed that the new demands of Riot Games do not suppose large adjustments for those players dedicated to normal or qualifying games in the summary crack. However, there is a great punishment for those who prefer alternative or Arm game modes. Especially hard is the situation in the abyss of laments, where 15 more games will have to be played to achieve the orb that we previously got for dispute 30 confrontations and 6 additional to comply with weekly missions.

These changes, added to the fact of that we gain half a token less for each disputed item, have caused much discontent among the community. Many players think that, instead of adapting the situation to the most favorable scenery for players, Riot Games wanted to equate progression along the League of Legends community. A situation that has worsened when the rewards of the last prestigious point event is disappointed.

As for the progression, Riot Games has ensured that it is not about any kind of hidden nerf, but that they do not intend to improve the rhythm to which the profits occur. Thus, they say that after the celebration of the next Las skins Gal ante event 2.0 that will begin on December 9, they will have sufficient data to make any changes that need to be necessary for the future of the title. On the future of events, we can know more about the presentation video that will be launched at the beginning of season 12.

